The public offer.
The rules of the site
1. General terms
1.1. HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App Owner publishes a Public Offer information about which is presented on the official website
1.2. Based on the foregoing, carefully read the terms of the public offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you are to do not use the HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV site.
2. Copyright
2.1. All textual information and graphic images posted on the website are the property of the HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App Owner.
3. Rights, obligations and responsibilities
3.1. HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App Owner is not responsible for the improper use of app by the user.
3.2. HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App Owner is not responsible for the harm caused on the network, for any harm and damage caused to the User on the network. It applies to both personal use and harm caused to business, commercial or public activities as a result of use, inability to use, or for other reasons related to the use of the HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV.
3.3. HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App Owner is not responsible for any actions of users when working with sites or programs that can harm and cause damage to the user or third parties. We cannot control and verify the correctness of user actions when using the HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV. Therefore, all responsibility for any actions lies directly with the user of the app.
3.4. HitVPN, Hitray, HitTV App can only be used for lawful purposes. It cannot be used in a certain number of cases, including:
- If any action violates national, international or local law.
- Sending spam, as well as any activity that thus harms network users.
- Distributing malware, viruses, trojans and other prohibited programs.
- Scanning ports, using torrent software, passwords guessing, creating malicious sites, such as phishing sites.
- Actions that imply fraud and are carried out with the aim of taking possession of other people's funds by fraudulent means. It also includes acts that infringe copyrights, patents, inventions, and other rights.
- For illegal representation for another individual, legal entity, organization, or company.
- Interference in the service operation, as well as violation of the policies and procedures that are established by the site for users.
- For calls to illegal actions directed at other people, networks or organizations.
When performing any such actions, the entire responsibility falls solely on the user.
Licenses Used
This app uses Wireguard code by Jason A. Donenfeld, released under Apache License v.2.0
This app uses Xray-core code by Project-X, released under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0